A few readers have posted comments about Law School Loan Repayment programs, otherwise known as LRAPS. I can't find a compiled list of these programs and similar resources so I thought I'd attempt to create one based on the ABA LSAC Official Guide and my own google searches.
Here are some great resources on the topic:
1. For information about what an LRAP is and who might qualify, as well as private (non-school) funding sources, check out http://www.finaid.org/loans/forgiveness.phtml
2. For the ABA's work urging law schools to take on these programs (and good data about why the programs are important) check out http://www.abanet.org/poladv/priorities/student_loan.html
3. Definitely check out the Equal Justice Works E-guide to public interest programs at law schools (including the number of grads taking on public interest work) at http://ejwguide.newsweek.com/guide/about.htm?aspxerrorpath=/search.aspx, It looks like you can search by LRAP program for Fall 2008 but that information doesn't appear to be fully updated yet. In either event, this is a fantastic resource - I'm really impressed.
4. Department of Justice LRAP http://www.usdoj.gov/oarm/aslrp/poliy.htm
5. Vault. com describes LRAP programs in a general, introductory way at http://www.vault.com/studentloans/articles.jsp?type=3&ch_id=350&article_id=26403919&cat_id=3031&listelement=1
6. For Virginia Lawyers http://www.vsb.org/docs/valawyermagazine/jj01loan.pdf
7. Anyone from -or attending law school in- Maryland http://www.mhec.state.md.us/financialAid/ProgramDescriptions/prog_larp.asp
8. For attorneys in Texas http://www.thecb.texas.gov/Rules/Tac3.cfm?Chapter_ID=21&Subchapter=FF&Print=1
9. A great article about law schools adding LRAP programs http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/paperchase/lawschools/2004_07_04_indexarch.htm
10. Other states offering LRAP http://www.worksafe.org/images/contentEdit/docs/AB_171_Fact_Sheetl1.pdf
11. District of Columbia Bar Foundation http://www.dcbarfoundation.org/documents/FoundationLRAPGuidelines.1.07.final_000.pdf
Individual Law School LRAP Programs (again, not all inclusive)
1. For the most complete list I can find, go to http://www.yale.edu/visvi/students/gradprof/lawschool/media/LRAP.pdf
2. Stanford Law School's LRAP program actually includes a calculator on its site to figure out what your payments would be http://www.law.stanford.edu/program/tuition/assistance/
3. Yale Law School LRAP application http://www.law.yale.edu/admissions/COAP.htm
4. Berkeley http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2006/10/19_lrap.shtml
5. University of Chicago http://www.law.uchicago.edu/financial/loanforgive.html
6. University of Michigan http://www.law.umich.edu/CurrentStudents/financialaid/debt-management.htm
7. U. Penn http://www.law.upenn.edu/cpp/alumni/publicinterest/pilrap/
8. Loyola Law School http://intranet.lls.edu/publicinterestlaw/pilap/index.html
9. Wake Forest http://law.wfu.edu/x3814.xml
10. Harvard http://www.law.harvard.edu/news/2001/05/31_loanforgiveness.php
11. UVA http://www.law.virginia.edu/html/publicserv/loanforgive.htm
12. Iowa http://www.law.uiowa.edu/documents/public_int_loan_forgive.pdf
13. UC Davis http://www.law.ucdavis.edu/news/news.aspx?id=1150
14. Maine http://mainelaw.maine.edu/loanrepay.aspx
15. Notre Dame http://law.nd.edu/LoanAssist/index.html
16. Pepperdine http://law.pepperdine.edu/admissions/financial_aid/loan_forgiveness_programs.html
17. Emory http://www.law.emory.edu/public-interest/loan-repayment-assistance-program.html
18. Brooklyn Law Center http://www.brooklaw.edu/career/publicservice/lrap.php
19. Fordham http://law.fordham.edu/ihtml/fa-2GradStu_LoanForgive.ihtml?id=326
20. Columbia www.law.columbia.edu/current_student/financial_aid/LRAP
21. Colorado http://lawweb.colorado.edu/news/showArticle.jsp?id=18
22. Washington University School of Law http://law.wustl.edu/LRAP/
23. Duke http://www.law.duke.edu/admis/loan.html
24. UGA http://www.law.uga.edu/career/students/LRAP_info.html
And what about those of you with lower LSAT scores? Yes, there are LRAP options for you. Check out:
1. Roger Williams http://law.rwu.edu/news/news/details.aspx?news_id=676
2. Creighton http://law.creighton.edu/index.aspx?p=910
3. Seton Hall http://law.shu.edu/administration/financial_aid/pilrap.htm
4. Tulane http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4200/is_20030818/ai_n10173879
5. William Mitchell http://www.wmitchell.edu/law-school/LRAP.html
6. Rutgers http://law.newark.rutgers.edu/students_lrap.html
7. Pace http://www.law.pace.edu/currentstudents/lrap.html
8. Suffolk http://www.law.suffolk.edu/offices/finaid/lrap.cfm
9. Penn State Dickenson http://www.dsl.psu.edu/finaid/lrap.cfm
10. Hofstra http://law.hofstra.edu/CurrentStudents/FinancialAid/finaid_life.html
11. Vermont http://www.vermontlaw.edu/admissions/index.cfm?doc_id=72
12. Hawaii http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/sessioncurrent/Bills/HB1821_.htm
I'm sure there are lots more schools, but I'm exhausted from all of this research and I have a few clients who would probably appreciate hearing back from me about their personal statements, etc. If lists like this are helpful, please do let me know and I'll try to block out time to do research and share the results with all of my law school applicant readers.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
List of Law Schools with Loan Repayment Programs
Posted by
Ann K. Levine, Esq.
9:14 AM
Labels: LRAP Programs
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This is a great resource. I'm developing a blog on LRAP's. www.buzzondebt.blogspot.com I'll try to cull the information.