Monday, November 17, 2008

The Best Personal Statement Samples

BU has posted some amazing personal statement samples. They are the best I've seen on the Internet. So, this is for all of you who love to beg me for examples of law school personal statements.


  1. When law schools specify they want, say, a two page paper. Is it better to assume they want it double-spaced or single-spaced


  2. Ann

    Thank you for the BU essays, they were a LOT of help!
    When a school asks for a personal statement without specifications what would be a good length to go by?

    Chris, Atlanta GA

  3. Chris, i like a 2 page personal statement....

    (PS - I can no longer post "Anonymous" comments because they are too difficult to respond to in a way that makes sense to readers. If anyone has posted anonymously who would like to repost, I welcome that. I'm trying to stick to the rule, but it's always hard to implement new rules....)

  4. I didn't think that the essays were all that good. They weren't bad but they seemed a little impersonal. Also I'm pretty sure that they were writing to a specific topic and not a general personal statement. They were okay, could have been better.

    Top Law School has a lot of great personal and diversity statements posted.

    I think that is probably the best place to go, real people.

  5. Thanks for the essay info and examples. This is a great blog! Very helpful!

